Good bye, Simon's Bach. You were awesome.
Okay guys. Glaciers are amazing. And they're going away very rapidly. So go see some. Now.
In a weird way, the Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers were more amazing from far away. Without any sense of scale, they look truly epic. Up close, they are still large, and amazing, but from a mile away, you get an idea for how massive they and their valleys are.
If the Ice doesn't get you...
The Rocks will.
Or the giant killer waves.
If you stop walking, the rocks will find you. You don't want that to happen.
These women stopped on the way back. We never saw them again.I matched the lichen.
And yes, I'm even scruffier now.
How we felt on this entire drive down the west coast.
But just over the Haast Pass, Makaroroa was astounding with views.
And one eyed horses. Good job feeding him, Monroe.
Posting these pictures, even a little late, and I'm reminded of how amazing the mountains were.
So may we call you Scruffy now instead of Nik?